Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Model Question_4 for IT Jobs(network)

   Question   In a TCP/IP network which of the following must be unique for each computer in the network?
   1.   Subnet mask
   2.   Default Gateway
   3.   IP address
   4.  None of above
   5.  All of above
   Answer 3

   Question    For which layer of the OSI model has the Ethernet standard been defined?
   1.   Data Link
   2.   Both a and b
   3.   Transport
   4.   Physical
   5.   Network
   Answer 2

   Question   In a TCP/IP network which layers are basically absent?
   1.   Session Presentation  
   2.   Session Application
   3.   Presentation Application
   4.   Transport Session
   5.  All of above
   Answer 1

   Question    What is the maximum number of valid IP addresses in a class B network?
   1.   65536
   2.   256
   3.   254
   4.   65534
   5.  None of above
   Answer 1

   Question    According to the OSI model which layer performs parity checking and error checking?
   1.   Data Link
   2.   Presentation
   3.   Physical
   4.   Session
   5.  All of above
   Answer 1

   Question    What is the IEEE 802.5 standard related to?
   1.   Definition of the Logical Link Control (LLC) sublayer  
   2.   Token Bus
   3.   Ethernet
   4.   Token Ring
   5.  None of above
   Answer 4

   Question   According to the OSI model which layer performs encryption and decryption?
   1.    Presentation  
   2.   Session  
   3.   Data Link
   4.   Application
   5.  All of above
   Answer 1

   Question   What do you call a fibre optic cable in which the light signals follow a single path?
   1.    Single mode  
   2.   Baseband
   3.   Multi mode
   4.   Broadband
   5.  All of above
   Answer 2

   Question   Which of the following protocols does not support Routing?
   1.   TCP/IP
   2.   IPX/SPX  
   3.   NetBEUI
   4.  All of above
   5.  None of above
   Answer 3

   Question   What is the full form of DSL?
   1.   Digital Super Link
   2.   Digital Subscription Line  
   3.   Digital Subscriber Line
   4.   Digital Speed Line
   5.  All of above
   Answer 3

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