Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Model Question_3 for IT Jobs(network)

   Question: What do you call a communication system in which data can be sent in both directions at the same time
   1 =  Full Duplex
   2 =  Asynchronous
   3 =  Synchronous
   4 =  Half Duplex
   5 = All of above
   Answer = 1

   Question: At which layer of the OSI model does a World Wide Web browser operate
   1 =   Session
   2 =  Application
   3 =  Presentation
   4 =  Transport
   5 = None of above
   Answer = 2

4 .
   0 =  What is ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode
   1 = It is a WAN technology based on time division multiplexing that uses variable size packets
   2 =  It is a WAN technology based on frequency division multiplexing that uses fixed size packets known as cells
   3 = It is a virtual circuit based WAN technology
   4 =  It is a WAN technology based on time division multiplexing that uses fixed size packets known as cells
   5 = None of above
   Answer = 4

5 .
   Question: What is the maximum speed supported by a standard ISDN BRI
   1 =  64 kbps
   2 =  128 kbps
   3 =  25Answer kbps
   4 =  1.544 mbps
   5 =  2.322mbps
   Answer = 2

   Question: Which media access technique does Ethernet use
   1 =  CSMACD
   2 =  Tokens
   3 =  CSMACA
   4 = None of above
   5 =  All of the above
   Answer = 1

   Question:  What are PPP and SLIP most commonly used for
   1 =  Connecting to the Internet using wireless modems
   2 =  Connecting to the Internet through fibre optic lines
   3 =  Connecting to the Internet through telephone lines
   4 =  Connecting to the Internet through DSL lines
   5 = None of above
   Answer = 3

   Question: How is a unique MAC address assigned to a Network Card
   1 =  The network administrator must assign the address
   2 =   A unique address is automatically assigned whenver you boot up the computer
   3 =  It is built into the card when the card is manufactured
   4 =  A unique address is automatically assigned when the card drivers are installed
   5 =  All of the above
   Answer = 3

   Question: According to the OSI model which layer performs compression and decompression
   1 =  Application
   2 =  Data Link
   3 =  Session
   4 =  Presentation
   5 = None of above
   Answer = 4

  Question: What is the full form of PPPoE

   1 =  Point to Point Password over Ethernet
   2 =  Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet
   3 =  Point to Point Protocol over Exchange
   4 = None of above
   5 =  All of the above
   Answer = 2

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