Friday, April 1, 2016

Shell Scripting for Dovecot configuring in Linux

Dovecot is an open-source IMAP and POP3 server for Linux/UNIX-like frameworks, composed essentially with security in mind. Timo Sirainen began Dovecot and first discharged it in July 2002. Dovecot engineers basically mean to deliver a lightweight, quick and simple to-set-up open-source mailserver.
echo "****  Configuring Dovecot    **************************"
   if rpm -qa|grep dovecot
   echo "**************   Dovecot Installation  ****************"
   echo  '!include conf.d/*.conf' > /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
   echo "protocols = imap pop3 lmtp">>/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
   echo 'mbox_write_locks = fcntl
   mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir
   echo 'disable_plaintext_auth = no
   !include auth-system.conf.ext
   auth_mechanisms = plain login'>/etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-auth.conf
   echo "********* Service Dovecot Restart *********************"
   echo ""
   echo ""
   service dovecot restart
   echo ""
   echo "  *************************************************************"
   echo "  *    Dovecot configuration has benn completed               *"
   echo "  *                Enjoy it                                   *"
   echo "  *************************************************************"
  echo "   *************************************************************"
  echo "   *           There is no rpm for dovecot                     *"
  echo "   *           So please install rpm first                     *"
  echo "   *************************************************************"

For Basic Configuration This is enough to receive mail. We will must add rules in IPTABLES for this.

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